These Terms and Conditions are the standards and rules of use of the website (hereinafter referred to as the “Site”) and comprehend all the aspects related thereto, the services therein offered or that may be eventually incorporated in the future, and which shall regulate the relation with users and any and all individual entering the Site (hereinafter generically referred to as the “User”).The use made by the User of the services included in the Site shall only be regarded as legal and authorized within the scope herein set forth and pursuant to the legal rules in force on the applicable subject.
The Site may require the User to previously accept the Terms and Conditions as an essential condition to access the Site and use the services and/or its contents.The registry of the User to the Site, or the access and use of the services and/or contents of the Site shall mean the full acceptance of these Terms and Conditions, so that any User who does not accept the Terms and Conditions or fails to comply with the dispositions herein set forth shall refrain from entering the Site and/or use the services or contents thereof.These Terms and Conditions may be modified at any time and without previous notice; therefore the User is hereby recommended to check them regularly, since amendments hereto shall be in force and operative as from their publication on the Site.The User who provides personal data and/or contents (including, but not limited to, images, sounds, audiovisual content, information, or text in any format) accepts the use that will be given to such information and/or content according to these Terms and Conditions.
The registry of the User may be required before the use, access or entrance to specific services, contents or areas of the Site. The information required for the registry shall be reliable and true, or, otherwise, the Site shall regard the User as not complying with these Terms and Conditions, and shall hold the User liable for any and all damages that falseness or inaccuracy of data may affect either the Site or third parties.The username and/or password assigned to the User who requires it to enter the Site shall only be used by the User to which it has been assigned, thus being personal and not transferable, and its use by third parties being forbidden. The User agrees to hold the Site harmless from any illegal activity or action or damage attributable to the User or any third party using the username and/or password. The Site may deny registry applications and cancel the current ones without cause, which shall not grant the User any right whatsoever.The information given by the User registering shall only be used to the extent herein established, and all the reasonable marketing mechanisms to protect their confidentiality, integrity and security, as well as to prevent non-authorized access or wrongful use thereof, shall be applied pursuant to the Privacy Policy of the Site. As a result of the peculiar characteristics of the Site, the User shall have access to specific content or non-sensitive information that may have been incorporated into the Site by other Users. To that effect, the User hereby expressly accepts and agrees that the data and non-sensitive content that may be included in the Site can be seen by other Users and third parties.
The Site hereby withholds all power to control and direction the services, contents, data and information included therein. Therefore, at its own discretion, the Site may make all changes or amendments deemed appropriate, including, but not limited to, the addition, alteration, substitution or elimination of any data, information or content. In particular, the Site withholds the right to control, edit, and delete, in whole or in part, any data or content included by the User on the Site, at its own discretion.The User shall be the sole responsible for the information or content, in a broad sense, that they include in the Site and/or their actions therein. The Site, its owner and/or developer shall not be responsible for the use the User may give to it.In the event there is the possibility to download the contents of the Site, the User shall be the sole responsible to verify the integrity of the contents to download and, in no case, shall the owner and/or developer be liable for the damage the contents may cause, or for any alteration or non-authorized inclusion by third parties, or for any material given by third parties to the Site.If the links to other pages or websites are included in the Site, the User acknowledges that the Site has no control whatsoever over the linked sites and understands that the link is only and exclusively limited to the placement of the address of the linked site, and does not comprehend under any concept its content or the relation between its owners or developers.Use of the Services and Contents of the SiteThe User accepts to use the services and access the Site contents pursuant to the Terms and Conditions herein set forth, the legal system to which they are subject to, the behavior practices that accepted customs establish and the respect for third parties’ rights.
The Company shall preserve the personal information and the content provided by the Users with the sole purpose of improving the services and contents included in the Site available to the Users, its administration and management. The use that the Company shall give to the personal information is exclusively internal and for the purposes set forth in the Site and, for such reason, the personal information shall not be assigned or transferred to third parties under any title or by any means.